Drug addiction is causing severe problems for thousands of people all over the world. The lifestyle of a drug addict can become a nuisance for the addict, as well as his family, and friends. Sometimes, these people completely lose hope and drown themselves in drugs and ruin their lives, while some other times, people want to get better and after admitting to themselves that they have an addiction problem, they ask a trusted loved one for help. Acknowledging the fact that someone has a problem takes a lot of courage, but it is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength, and hope for recovery. Drug addiction is a serious problem and needs to be tackled effectively. For this purpose, there are rehabilitation centers that help in nursing people back to health. Get more information at drug rehab in Los Angeles.
For the process of recovery, the patient has to change his lifestyle to a large extent. Another notable thing is that recovery takes time, requires effort, and motivation, therefore, the patient’s willpower should be strong. Moreover, when he keeps in mind all the things that are important to him, and worth fighting for, like his parents, children, or spouse, it will become easier for him to remain steadfast. Some people opt for rehabilitation centers, while some choose support groups. After the patient’s recovery is complete, then regular follow-ups to support groups can help him keep on track, in addition to this, staying away from people who use drugs, or places, where drugs might easily be available, is important to prevent relapsing.
The danger of relapse for a convalescent is always there, which is why he along with his family and friends should be educated about the symptoms of relapsing. Any potential triggers can become a reason for relapse, and mostly, those triggers are the exact reasons that made the person an addict in the first place. No matter how successful the recovery has been, relapse is always a potential danger, and after relapsing, the recovery is much harder for the patient. Relapse does not happen due to a single incident, rather it happens in stages.
Emotional stage
The first stage happens well before the convalescent even thinks about using drugs again. He can become quite emotional, and experience mood swings, anger, or irritation, in addition, his sleeping and eating habits may erratic. He might even lose hope for complete recovery if he loses his support systems.
Mental stage
This might be the most challenging stage for the convalescent. The internal battle between his sober side, and his addicted side may make him lose his mind with struggle. The sober side wants him to maintain his hard-earned sobriety because he has fought tooth and nail to become a healthy individual, but the addicted part of him wants him to start using those drugs again. This is the stage of the relapse process when the person gets direct thoughts about using the drug again, and then, the relapse process is difficult to stop from progressing. These continuous thoughts invade the person’s mind so much that it is only a matter of time until he starts using the drug again.
Physical stage
The final stage of the relapse process is when the person gives in to his addicted side, and finally uses the drug again, no longer remaining sober. Even if he uses it only once, the craving for more use can be so strong that the relapse finally hits, and it becomes unbearable for him to avoid using it any longer. Drug addiction is a chronic illness because there is always a danger of relapse for the convalescent.