Have you tried to stop smoking using traditional ways, only to find out that you need more than just family support and constant reminders? Or have you found out that FDA-approved products didn’t work out well for you? If you haven’t successfully quit using these methods, several other drugs have shown promise in studies.
However, you can only take these with Smokefree Clinic nicotine prescriptions from authorised companies. Prescriptions from reputable healthcare providers allow patients to have legal use of these medications for cessation processes.
As you know, these medicines are proven to be effective solutions for smokers who want to quit tobacco once-and-for-all. So, it’s equally as important to have nicotine prescriptions coming from your doctor also.
Varenicline (commonly known as Chantix) is a prescription medication used to assist smokers in quitting. The process in which this medicine works is through interfering with the brain’s nicotine receptors.
As you know, smokers gain satisfaction from smoking. But, Varenicline aids in reducing the pleasure derived from smoking while also alleviating nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Several studies have demonstrated that using varenicline increases the chances of quitting smokeless tobacco compared to taking no treatment.
Naturally, it would help inform your provider of any medical issues or allergies you may have before beginning your prescription, as some medications are not safe for pregnant women.
Have you experienced going through a withdrawal symptom phase? If so, then these extended-release prescription antidepressants can assist you during tough times.
The way it works is by affecting molecules in the brain that are linked to nicotine cravings. So, instead of urging your brain to have nicotine, it will do the opposite and block that desire.
Bupropion is most effective when started one or two weeks before quitting smoking. However, if you’re still not smoking after 7 to 12 weeks on bupropion, your doctor may recommend that you maintain taking it for a while longer to help you avoid resuming smoking. So, it would help if you also had the right support system during the process.
It is an older antidepressant medication that aids in the alleviation of cigarette withdrawal symptoms. Compared to people who do not take any medication, it has improved the chances of stopping smoking.
If you and your doctor decide to use this medication, make sure your doctor and pharmacist are aware of all other medications you’re taking before you begin. Also, make sure you know how to take it and how to wean yourself off of it when you’re ready.
Clonidine is an older medicine that has been demonstrated to aid in the cessation of smoking. FDA approves it for people with high blood pressure. You can take the tablet twice a day or worn as a skin patch once a week to help you quit smoking.
If you want to take one of these medications, it would be best to seek a reputable healthcare provider. You’ll have a personalised pharmaceutical plan specifically for your quit-smoking desire if you have Smokefree Clinic nicotine prescriptions, which not only offers you a clear sense of what you need but also provides a tailored treatment plan. It’s also a good idea to check with your health insurance company to see if these prescriptions are covered.