Despite the regulator’s efforts, the country’s stock market is not going to move away from the downward trend. The stock market has gone through another week of decline. The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the central stock exchange, lost a market capitalization of Tk 4,000 crore last week alone. Through this, Tk 36,000 crore has disappeared from the stock market in five consecutive weeks of decline. Reviewing the market, it can be seen that the main price index has declined on the DSE over the last week, along with the loss of a large amount of market capitalization.
However, the volume of transactions has increased slightly. The main price index of DSE has decreased by 18 per cent. And the transaction has increased by about 9 per cent. Capital market analysts say investors are fearful of further declines as the downtrend continues. Various rumours are being made about the market. As a result, ordinary investors are also selling shares.
The stock market is not able to get out of the trend.
A market analysis showed that large institutional investors were under pressure to sell their shares on Sunday, the first day of last week. However, on the second day, on Monday, under the capital market regulator’s pressure, the market was artificially raised, but after that, the prices fell for three consecutive days. Shares of 370 companies were traded on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) in the outgoing week. Of these, the prices of 126 stocks have increased, the prices of 122 stocks have decreased, and the shares and units of 117 companies have remained unchanged. According to the data, despite the rise in most companies’ share price, the main index of the DSE stood at 5,475 points, down 9 points from the previous week. Among the other two indices, the DS-30 index fell 5 points to 2,105 points, and the DSES index rose 6 points to 1,242 points. Investor transactions have increased slightly this week as capital declines brokers with zar account.
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