Do you have a [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error and difficulties in finding a solution? Then you have come to the right place because here you will find a step by step way of eliminating this error code in the shortest possible time. Usually, the error code [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] occurs in Microsoft Outlook. You can find more extra information on this further.
In simple terms, if you keep encountering the [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error, it means that MS Outlook is not working correctly.
Before we look for solutions, let’s first look at the causes.
Solutions of Outlook Error [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2]
Microsoft Outlook is one of the most regularly used e-mail exchange servers for sending and receiving e-mail.
If you did not install the application correctly, you will see the error [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2].
Some Other Reasons For This Error Code Are:
- The Outlook email application is conflicting with other software installed on your PC.
- Your device is not cooperative with the current version of the PC.
- Incorrect installation
- Use simple methods to fix the error code [Pii_Email_Aef67573025b785e8ee2]
Get The Update
To fix the [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error, you need to download the latest version of Outlook. If you are running the MS Office installation and you have an older version of MS Office installed on your PC, you will need to update the program for it to work. Here is how you can update your Outlook program:
- Check for available updates for MS Outlook and get the latest version.
- After installing the latest version, restart your device and open Outlook to check if the [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error resolved.
You can also use this method if you encounter the same error while using Outlook on your phone.
Uninstall and reinstall Outlook
If you still get the [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error, you need to uninstall the previous version of Outlook and then get the latest version.
To uninstall the program:
- Enter “Applications and Features” in the search box.
- Then you need to look for an Outlook application in the window that opens.
- Click on the application and follow the instructions to uninstall the program.
- After the uninstallation is complete, you can begin reinstalling the latest version of Outlook.
- Sign in to your Outlook account and see if the error persists.
Use the web-based version.
If you still get the [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error, this can happen if you are using an old browser as it may not be compatible with the new Outlook web application or the web-based version of MS Outlook.
So if you want to use the standard version of Outlook, you can refresh your browser and then sign in again.
- In a web browser, go to the Outlook website and select the standard or light edition of the web-based version.
- Enter your Outlook login credentials and see if you get the same error code or not.
Get rid of cache and cookies.
Another way to fix the error code [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] using Outlook is to clear all cache and cookie junk on your device. This will remove any corrupt or stuck data and restart everything. After clearing the cache and cookies, make sure to open Outlook again. If you’re using multiple accounts, close them and see if it helps.
Use the Auto repair tool.
The final method to fix the error [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] with MS Outlook is to use the automatic repair tool. Do the following:
- Look for “Apps and Features” in the search box.
- Then search for Microsoft Office 365.
- Select the application and right-click on the “Change” option.
- For the title “How would you like to repair your Office programs?” There are 2 options to choose from: quick Repair and Online Repair.
- Click on the Quick Repair option and then click on Repair again.
- Before proceeding, you must save your work and click “Next.”
- This was the last step. After the Repair is complete, check if the error persists.
The [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] error is elementary to fix only if you apply the right fix at the right time. You can also visit Microsoft’s official support for help with this Outlook error.
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