Class 7 Maths is the basic foundation and the introduction of many new concepts for the students which are very interesting. The concepts that they learn in class 7 will be carried forward in the higher classes. If the foundation of the topics is made clear in class 7 the understanding will be very smooth and easier in the next classes.
Maths is a subject which will be there in all academic years with more and more new topics and different concepts. Students should follow the basic procedures and the rules of each topic and the formulas. Students should know the applications of the formulas in the correct method. This can be possible only if the proper practice is done from day one.
All the chapters in class 7 are important in a unique manner. We cannot say which is important and which is not and each topic has its importance. The chapter in class 7 maths are Integers, Fractions and Decimals, Data Handling, Simple Equations, Lines and Angles, Congruence of Triangles, Comparing quantities, Rational Numbers, Practical Geometry, Perimeter And Area, Algebraic Expressions and Exponents And Powers, Symmetry, Visualizing Solid Shapes.
Topics taught in each chapter
The topics taught in class 7 chapter 1 Integers are Introduction to Integers, Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers, Multiplication of Integers, Multiplication of Positive and Negative Integer, Multiplication of two Negative Integers, their properties, Division of Integers and their properties.
None of these topics can be left out nor can be considered as less important. If the students have to solve problems connected with this chapter they have to be thorough with every topic and their applications.
Fractions and Decimals
The chapter Fractions and Decimals has many topics. Students have to make an effort and understand these topics so they can solve the problems efficiently.
The topics are Addition and Subtraction of Fractions, Multiplication of Fraction and Whole number, Division of a fraction and Whole number, Division of Fraction by another Fraction, Multiplication of Decimals, Multiplication of Decimals by 0. 100 and 1000, Division of Decimal numbers by another Decimal Numbers.
The concepts of these topics will be used to solve the complicated problems in the higher classes. These are therefore important to understand from the start.
Data Handling
The topics in Data Handling are Collection of Data, Organisation of Data, Arithmetic Men, Mode, Mode of Large Data, Median, use of Bar Graphs, Chance and Probability.
Students should solve all the problems in the given exercises to have a practice of different topics which helps them to think logically.
Simple Equations
Simple Equations consists of Solving an Equation, Introduction to Equation, Solution to Equations and the Applications of Simple Equations.
Students will be having many problems with the equations. They have to be very familiar to solve the problems based on these topics so they can understand the high-end problems.
Lines and Angles
Lines and Angles consist of Introduction to Lines and Angles. Related Angles, Pairs of Lines, Parallel Lines.
These topics will help the student to have a clear concept in Geometry.
Congruence of Triangles
Congruence of Triangles has Congruence of Plane Figures and Line Segments, Angles, Triangles, Criteria for Congruence of Triangles, Congruence of Right-Angled Triangles.
Comparing Quantities
The topics in chapter Comparing Quantities are Equivalent Ratios, Percentage, Conversions, Conversion of Decimals, Conversion of Percentage to Decimals and Fractions, use and Interpreting of Percentage, Ratios toPercentage, Interest, Profit and Loss.
Rational Numbers
The topics in Rational Numbers are Introduction to Rational numbers and their need, Positive and Negative Rational Numbers. Rational Numbers on a Number Line, Comparison of Rational Numbers, Operations of Rational Numbers.
Practical Geometry
Practical Geometry teaches the students about the Construction of parallel to a Given Line, construction of different types of Triangles, Construction of the Triangles with the given criteria.
Perimeters and Areas
Perimeters and Areas are about Squares and Rectangles, Triangles as Parts of Rectangles, Area of a Parallelogram and Triangle, Circumference of a Circle, Area of a Circle, Conversion of Units and Applications.
Algebraic Expressions
Algebraic Expression has the topics about the Binomials, Monomials, Trinomials and Polynomials, Like and Unlike Terms, Terms of an Expressions, Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Terms, Finding the Value of An Expression, Formulas and Rules.
Students need to focus more on the topics which have application rules. The problems will be based on these rules and they will be able to do only if they are familiar with all the rules.
Exponents and Powers
Exponents and powers will teach the students Laws of Exponents, Multiplying and Dividing with the same base, Decimal Number System, Multiplying with Same Exponents.
Symmetry and Visualizing the Solid Shapes
The last chapters are Symmetry which is about geometrical applications and Visualizing the Solid Shapes has the topics like Plane and Solid Figures, Faces, Edges and Vertices, nets for Building 3D Shapes, Drawing Solids on a Flat Surface and Viewing Different Section of a Solid.
All these topics if you see everything have different usage and applications. Students should be well prepared and understand these topics and their fundamentals. These will be continued through in the higher classes and you cannot start from the basics. It is better to start and learn thoroughly from now so it is in your mind and you can easily apply these concepts to solve the problem.
The students can start with the first chapter. Once you are thorough with the concept you can take the help of your parents to give the test. This will help you have the exact picture of your understanding and also you will know if the thinking and the method that you are doing is right or wrong.
Follow this method after each chapter. Practise all the sums in the exercise. Some sums may be similar but it is better to do all the sums given in the exercises. This will also help you while revising as everything will be there in your notes. This will help you to remember the steps or the procedure if you glance at later stages.
Maths needs lots of practise and focus. Have a proper plan and the study structure. You can take the help of your parents to plan a timetable with all the syllabus and contents. Following these will help to prepare and score well.