Hypertext Preprocessor, or PHP, is a top programming language favored by developers all across the globe. It helps devs create incredibly interactive and intuitive websites and web apps with simplistic execution and efforts. Upon saying the words “dynamic” and “interactive” to a well-seasoned, experienced developer, they will inevitably think of PHP.
From small business endeavors to enterprise-level applications and projects, PHP is commonly the first choice for a reliable, versatile server-side scripting language. Most modern website development outsourcing companies know they must have expert-level PHP development services and developers in-house to meet the ever-growing demands of the professional world. PHP devs help companies build unique and helpful websites for businesses of all verticals.
Is PHP the Right Choice for Your Website Development Project?
There are many programming languages on the market today for devs and engineers to choose from. However, there are equally as many reasons why PHP is the right choice for website development projects of all natures, including the following:
1. It’s open-source and free to use. – One of the biggest wins for PHP (and subsequently why devs and IT decision-makers stay loyal to it) is the language’s open-source nature. This means it’s freely available, requires no licensing or download fees, and is distributed under General Public License.
Because of this, PHP also boasts a large, active online community of devs of all skill levels across the globe. This international community leads to continual enhancements in the language’s functionality but also provides impressive resources and facilities for problem-solving. When devs encounter problems or need assistance, chances are that other devs have come across the very same problems, solved them, and shared their findings with others.
2. It’s usable on nearly every operating system. – Almost every single operating system on the market today, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and so on, supports PHP. This makes things much easier for developers to create a new website or application. It also perfectly interfaces with MySQL databases and Apache servers.
PHP works in a wide variety of varying execution environments in development today. This means that dedicated PHP engineers have the ability to create advanced web solutions and have them working on any popular operating system, even when working on cross-platform development projects.
3. It’s applicable for a huge range of development projects. – As a chameleon of modern programming languages, PHP is the preferred language for everything from customer management system development to active website conversions. It’s an encrypted language, which means it’s easy to secure while still full of dynamic and flexible features.
PHP-programmed web apps offer greater flexibility than those built on other programming languages. It allows for the customization of the language to write code and combines with many different libraries to incorporate many features across a website or application.
In terms of scalability and compatibility, other development languages can’t touch PHP. It’s considered one of the best technologies as it allows for deployment on nearly all web servers as well, including Apache, Caudium, Microsoft Internet Information Service, and many others.
4. It has a large number of frameworks to choose from. – For companies looking to design and build a flexible, powerful website, portal, or application, PHP supports many different high-performance frameworks. From Laravel and Symfony to Codelgniter, Zend, and Phalcon, devs have the ability to choose from frameworks with high-modular characteristics alongside high standards of quality and efficiency.
These popular frameworks help devs create and deliver complex websites in a considerably less amount of time than with other languages. The biggest challenge lies in choosing the correct one that meets the needs of the project requirements.
5. It helps cut down on development timelines. – As a partially object-oriented language, PHP makes code reusability a possibility. These reusable PHP components help devs save a significant amount of time and effort in the development process.
Its built-in functions, such as “GET” and “POST,” paired with its ability to work with HTML and URLs help streamline the PHP dev cycle. This translates to a significant reduction in time and effort to build things, which translates to a decrease in costs associated with programming.
6. It’s easily updated and maintained. – Thanks to its easily decipherable syntax, PHP code makes it simple for devs to modify and change it as time goes on. This also means that they typically don’t encounter any problems maintaining and updating projects based on PHP.
If companies want to adjust their websites or transform them into innovative apps, PHP makes it a relatively quick and cost-effective change. As new functionality pops up for the language (which happens frequently thanks to its large online community), businesses have the ability to rest assured knowing that their PHP website has the ability to add these new techs to keep up with the ever-growing market.
PHP is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages on the modern market – and with good reason. Its scalability, user-friendly syntax, security, and many features make it a go-to choice for devs for all types of websites and applications.